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Summary of April 2006 Issue
Smoke Stack
Are We Poisoning Our Planet?
It seems that nearly every day we hear about global warming, acid rain, and smog alerts. We know that our world is changing radically. But considering the earth's limited capacity to replenish itself, how much time do we actually have before our home becomes uninhabitable? Has the scientific community told us the entire truth? Find out in this issue of Answers.
Freeway Traffic
Is Stress Increasing the Incidence of Violence?
Congested freeways, crowded streets, and incessant noise. The number of stress producing circumstances affecting our daily lives is increasing exponentially. When you add job-related issues, domestic problems, and financial pressures to the mix, the formula becomes ripe for a complete meltdown. How does this modern-day scourge fuel the spread of violence we are witnessing and can it be reversed? Read this issue of Answers and find out.
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