Answers - The News Magazine of Rational Christian Ministries
In This Issue
Why Did the September 11 Tragedy Happen?
February 1, 2006
Vol. 1 Issue 1
Copyright © 2006
Rational Christian Ministries, Inc.
What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You About Your Health
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Is Arthritis a Necessary Result of Aging?
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Salvation in a Nutshell
Feature Story
Why Did the September 11
Tragedy Happen?
Nothing Safer than Water!
World Trade Center
Raw Pumpkin Pie Pudding
Overcoming Arthritis and Severe Spinal Stenosis
Letter from the Editor
A disturbing moment in time
Feature Story
Why Did the September 11 Tragedy Happen?
by Arnie Suntag
World Trade Center
It was bound to happen, eventually. On a clear September morning, as millions of Americans helplessly watched one of the landmarks of our society crumble before their eyes, the unthinkable had finally occurred. In just mere moments, our profound sense of safety and security in our own country had been shattered. For some, it marked the end of their faith in God. For others, it was a new beginning. But, for all of us, it should have
been an eschatological wake up call reminding us that the prophetic signs heralding the Last Days have truly arrived.
In a radio talk show interview a year after the September 11 tragedy, I was asked a seemingly daunting question by a caller. The question was, if there really is a God, why would he allow so many to die in such a senseless tragedy? The caller insisted that God could not have been there that fateful day. My response was twofold. First, I explained that there has always been evil in the world and that many tragic events have happened throughout history as a result. But, the second part of my response was right to the point. I shared the fact that I grew up in New York and had watched the Twin Towers being built. During a normal business week the structures can house tens of thousands of people. Some report that on a typical day, more than 60,000 people may be in the buildings at one time. Yet, as tragic as it was, less than 3,000 died. The number of people who were able to leave the buildings before they collapsed was astounding. In fact, it was a miracle. Though evil had prevailed for a brief moment in time and many died, tens of thousands of others were spared. Indeed, God was there that day.
As I later reflected on my response to the talk show caller, an even larger question emerged. In light of all the recent natural disasters in the world, along with our newly realized vulnerability to terrorism, what will happen next? And where? While some try to rationalize catastrophic world events through myriad scientific hypotheses, the fact is that such occurrences are increasing in frequency; many with no historical precedent. So too, are the number of terrorism-related activities and threats. In fact, there has been a dramatic increase in such events over the past two decades alone. The Bible tells us that since the beginning, there has been a great wickedness in man with his thoughts contemplating evil continually (Genesis 6:5). It also tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). But something has happened in recent years to raise a big red flag, even for those who do not accept what the Bible has to say. Nobody can deny that we are witnessing world events unlike any we have seen before. But it is only the beginning (Matthew 24:7-8). The subject can be studied and analyzed by the most renowned experts in the scientific community, but the objective results will still remain the same: the frequency and magnitude of destructive events happening in the world seem to suggest that we are headed toward some cataclysmic conclusion. So, perhaps the biblical warnings that many tend to scoff at are as genuine as any commentary we may watch on the evening news. Although it represents only part of the overall picture, terrorist activity is undoubtedly going to take a quantum leap. Jesus said that in the Last Days iniquity will abound and the love of many shall wax cold (Matthew 24:12). He also said that if the time of calamity were not shortened, the entire human race would be destroyed, but that it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones (Matthew 24:22). Revelation 11:18 talks of the destruction of those who have caused destruction on the earth. In short, if one believes what the Bible has to say about the Last Days, then we can count on the fact that, unfortunately, there are indeed more calamities to come. This includes profound acts of terrorism.
The September 11 tragedy represents only the tip of the iceberg with regard to potential terrorist threats. There is an even greater danger that looms over our nation right now. An excerpt from The Rational Christian, provides a lucid explanation of this deadly threat that may soon affect millions of Americansread more
Health News
What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You About Your Health
by Staff Writers
  Doctor with Stethoscope
Have you ever wondered what would become of the medical profession if we could treat most illnesses and injuries ourselves, right at home? How about the impact on the pharmaceutical industry, if we could replace expensive laboratory-engineered drugs with simple home remedies? Now, what if you learned that these are not merely fanciful ideas, but factual realities? Would you be ready to cancel your costly health insurance policies and start taking care of yourself, the way God intended? Fasten your seatbelt, because the real scoop on health and disease in America is about to be exposed.
For most of us, the idea of pushing drugs brings to mind images of dark alleyways and shady characters marketing their wares while maintaining a watchful eye for law enforcement. But, the fact is that pushing drugs happens every day in doctors’ offices. Pharmaceutical companies spend enormous sums of money marketing their products and doctors often find themselves, either unwittingly or intentionally, acting as their mouthpiece. With drug salespeople bearing exorbitant gifts, conferences and retreats at exclusive resorts, and ad campaigns to the tune of billions of dollars using billboards, print media, radio, and television, doctors are being more than subtly wooed into prescribing medications that either simply do not work or can invariably cause more disease than relief. They can also cause death. Exaggerated, you say? Just pick up a copy of the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) and check out any of the medications that you might recognize. The contraindications are not just alarming - they should serve as a wake-up call for every rational person. Try to find just one drug that does not have side effects and you will come to appreciate the old adage, “the cure can be worse than the disease.” But does the cure really have to be worse than the disease, or have we been hoodwinked by an industry hell-bent on deriving obscene profits from an ailing populace?
Total worldwide sales of pharmaceuticals were estimated at $550 billion in 2004, although some sources claim that global industry revenues are in the trillions. With dramatic increases in revenues over the past several years, one can only imagine the real number of dollars being spent by millions of desperate consumers looking for a quick fix for their medical problems. Nobody likes to talk about it. When you consider the fact that pharmaceutical revenues have reached thresholds that exceed the GNP of many nations, it is a no-brainer that the incentive to take advantage of a gullible public has reached unprecedented proportions. The sad truth is that the sick are becoming sicker as a result of prescription drugs, while the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession are literally making a killing. Living in a society where most look for a pill to solve their ills and the advice of physicians is often given more credence than the Bible itself, is it any wonder that we have become ripe for the astounding deceptions that modern healthcare has perpetrated upon us?
The fact is, almost all disease processes in the world today are caused by poor diet, lack of exercise, and generally unhealthy behaviors. Unbeknownst to most of us, however, is the fact that these same disease processes can be reversed and cured by changing the faulty lifestyle that caused them in the first place. But, this sounds just too simple to be true. As a result, most continue to rely on the medical profession to bail them out when they have brought disease upon themselves and ironically have the power to ameliorate it.
If you consider the absurdity of how many Christians today are seriously ill when the Bible tells us how to eat and care for ourselves in order to maintain optimum health (Genesis 1:29, Genesis 2:9, Exodus 15:26; Daniel Chapter 1, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20) one can only wonder if one of the greatest deceptions of the Last Days that Jesus referred to in Matthew 24 is the illusion that modern medicine can restore us to good health, when God already gave us the instruction manual to do it ourselves. The fact is, most would rather place their trust in the dangerous medications and high-risk medical procedures offered by modern medicine than to turn to God’s own simple remedies. They have, unfortunately, been taken in by the multibillion-dollar marketing hype generated by the pharmaceutical industry and an unyieldingly self-confident medical institution striving for bigger profits. It places Paul’s comments in 1 Corinthians 3:18-19 about the foolishness of the wisdom of this world in a whole new light.
The Lord provided us with natural remedies that can be used to cure even the most serious diseases. While this may sound too incredible or perhaps fanatical to some, it is nonetheless scriptural. If one’s faith is more than just an intellectualization, it should provide the impetus for taking biblically supported steps in healing disease and maintaining good health. Did you know, for instance, that grapefruit seed extract is an excellent antimicrobial agent and can be used in place of antibiotics to help eradicate bacterial infection? It can also be used to treat intestinal parasites and fight fungal diseases, such as Candidiasis. Activated charcoal can be used in an even wider range of applications, including the treatment of gastric disturbances and flatulence, inhibiting the impact of ingested toxins, and, used in a poultice, to draw out venom and potentially infectious material from insect bites and other injuries. For those who challenge the concept that natural remedies cannot be used in emergency medicine, there are scientifically recognized natural methods for urgent care as well. Cayenne pepper, or Capsicum, is one of the best-known remedies for cuts, and even deep wounds. Applied liberally to a wound, it will stop the bleeding, form a scab, and promote healing much more rapidly than even the most well utilized sutures – and without scarring! Cayenne has also been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds. Think about it for a moment. What would you do if you encountered a medical emergency in a remote location where help was not readily available? What if you have no health insurance and cannot afford traditional medical care? If we can learn to rely upon the simplicity of what God has given us, and the wisdom to properly utilize it, we need never worry about such matters again.
There is a whole world of incredibly simple remedies and treatments prescribed by the Lord - not by modern medicine, that millions of Christians know little or nothing about. Why would they, when there is no incentive by the medical-pharmaceutical complex to promote such measures? In fact, quite the contrary is true. The enormously lucrative nature of drug sales has encouraged the ongoing façade that millions have come to believe, rather than to accept the simple truth that our faith as Christians affords us.
Those who suffer with diseases that have been labeled chronic or incurable, please take heart. Do not let the terms mortality rate or poor prognosis obscure the truth. Do not allow your doctor’s view of reality to convince you that there is no hope without dubious medical intervention. There is hope for even the most serious diseases, if you have faith and follow God’s plan for recovery. Dr. Lorraine Day, a renowned physician herself, recovered from severe advanced cancer - completely without the aid of modern medicine. Her testimony can be found at Be sure to check out her story and others, along with our useful links to various self-care proponents and contributors on our page about health at: You can be free of disease and live a full healthy life, like God intended. Start today!
Health Question of the Month
Is Arthritis a Necessary Result of Aging?
by Staff Writers
Man with Crutches
Most of us have come to accept the fact that as we grow older, we will experience more aches and pains, slow down in our activities, and eventually suffer with some form of arthritis. But is this really the truth? Perhaps we are just rationalizing the fact that we are not taking adequate care of ourselves, as the Bible urges us in (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
Over the past few decades, we have learned that improper diet can result in arthritic conditions. Many of us know that eating refined flours and
sugars, for example, can eventually lead to the development of arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. But, there is a more insidious factor that few are aware of. It involves the so-called nightshade group of foods. This group includes tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers. These are also some of the favorite foods of many Americans, myself included.
As little as 200 years ago, tomatoes were considered to be poisonous. This belief was derived from the fact that the leaves and roots of the plant are indeed poisonous, and thus the fruit was highly suspect. Beginning in the mid 1800’s, the idea that the tomato is poisonous was gradually dispensed with, and the fruit found its way into mainstream American cuisine. Actually, it has become one of the most prominent foods in America. It can be considered a staple. Interestingly enough, arthritic conditions in the elderly population have similarly become prominent, over the past century. The part of the story that few hear about, however, is the fact that cattle were never allowed to eat tomatoes or the tomato plant, because they would develop bone and joint problems. Is there a message in this for all of us?
Each of the nightshade species contains solanine, a glycoalkaloid poison. It is considered to be toxic, even in small quantities. While eating a member of the nightshade family has never proven to cause acute illness, there have been studies linking the consumption of potatoes with late blight to birth defects. Nonetheless, the long-term exposure to low levels of solanine through the consumption of foods in the nightshade family has never been specifically studied. Making the nightshade issue of even more concern, however, is a more recent discovery. Each of the nightshade species contains lectins. Lectins are multivalent carbohydrate binding proteins, or glycoproteins. While lectins and their impact on health are only now being studied with great interest by the scientific community, these proteins have already been linked to food allergies and other physiological problems. In short, the nightshade family raises questions that should cause us to carefully consider their use in our diet.
In recent years, considerable information on the nightshades has been coming to the forefront. There are numerous testimonies about healing arthritis through the removal of nightshades from the diet and following a natural dietary healing program. Does it really work? The best way to find out is to try it yourself. There is no harm in removing the nightshades from the diet, as long as one is following an otherwise healthy and balanced dietary program. Some may argue that men, particularly, need the lycopene found in tomatoes for good prostate health. But, the fact is, lycopene can be obtained from other sources including apricots, pink grapefruits, watermelons, and pink guavas. So, as wonderful and tasty as the tomato and all its derivative are, we can certainly live without them.
Be sure to check out the personal testimony in this newsletter and you too will be persuaded to try a diet without nightshades. You do not have to grow old with arthritis. You can maintain your youthful vigor and flexibility. Make today the first day of the rest of your life. Arthritis can be beaten by making the most simple changes in your eating habits. For more information on arthritis or our health retreat in Hawaii, e-mail us at
Biblical Living Feature
Salvation in a Nutshell
by John Wilson
  Rocks on Water
Here is a formula that really works. You can be sure of a fuller and more satisfying experience now, and eternal life hereafter, if you will honestly and wholeheartedly follow these six steps:
1. Pray: “Dear God, please show me your goodness and love. Show me my need and your plan for my life.”

2. Spend time each day studying the Bible and good books that agree with the Bible.

3. As weakness and defects are revealed in your life, ask God to give you right thoughts, feelings, desires and attitudes that will lead to right words and actions.

4. When you have learned to trust God more fully, ask Him to save you and use you no matter what it may take.

5. Look for others that you can help and encourage. God will show you how.

6. When others oppose your upward direction of life, seek out friends that will help and encourage you to do right and pray for those who oppose you.

Maintain the attitude of these six steps throughout your Christian growth and you will never cease to advance.

Safe and Effective Home Remedies
Nothing Safer than Water!
by Susan Suntag
Water Drops
It is amazing how something as simple as water can provide relief from various conditions, or even help to prevent disease. When we think of natural home remedies we tend to visualize the use of vitamin supplements, minerals, herbs, and various other health products. But, sometimes the most basic form of treating what ails us is often the best. Here are just three simple uses of water as a remedy:
Water with salt added (saline solution) is an excellent remedy. Sniffing warm salt water up into nose will wash excess mucous out and will help clear sinuses and throat. This process may also cause some to sneeze, which will assist with clearing of the sinuses. Studies have shown that the use of saline solution in the sinuses on a regular basis will greatly help to prevent colds and flu.

You may prepare your own saline solution as follows:

Add ¼ teaspoon sea salt or celtic salt to 8 ounces of water. Use a bulb syringe that you can find at most pharmacies to deliver the water into your sinuses. You may also purchase some of the leading saline sprays. Be careful, though! There are only a few brands that do not contain other chemicals. Make sure to check the label. Only buy sprays that contain pure saline solution with no added chemicals or preservatives.

Another seemingly obvious use of water is for dehydration. What most people do not realize is that when they are overtired or exhausted, they are probably suffering from dehydration. The fact is, most of us do not drink enough water. Water should be consumed throughout the day, not just when thirsty. It should not be obtained through beverages, especially caffeinated beverages or those with alcohol. Caffeine is a diuretic as is alcohol, and these can cause dehydration. We need at least 8-10 cups (64-80 ounces) of water per day. Active people need at least 10-12 cups (80-96 ounces) of water per day. When you think about proper self-care, always start with the question, Got Water?

Hot footbaths can provide an excellent source of relief from many conditions. A hot footbath will draw blood from the head, providing relief from congestion of sinuses, ears, and head relieving earaches and headaches. A footbath is easy to perform:

Put the feet in a tub of hot water, as hot as the person can endure.
Keep it hot for 20 to 30 minutes by adding more hot water as tolerated.
Keep the head cool with a cloth wrung from ice water.
At the conclusion of the hot footbath remove the feet from the foot tub and pour the ice water over the feet.
Dress the person warmly to prevent chilling of the skin, especially the extremities.

So, just remember – the next time you think about how to maintain your health, don’t forget the water!

This Month's Scrumptious Healthy Recipe
Raw Pumpkin Pie Pudding
from the Suntag Kitchen
Well, it's not really pumpkin. It's actually papaya. But, this is no ordinary pudding. The flavor is really unique Although the base is papaya, everyone who tries it says it tastes either like pumpkin pie or butterscotch pudding. But you be the judge! It is simple to prepare, and will probably take you no more than ten or fifteen minutes. Make sure to use yellow papayas, that is, anything but strawberry papayas. The strawberry papayas are too sweet and they change the flavor considerably. Here is the recipe:
Place one cup of raw almonds in the blender.

Add water (preferably distilled) until the almonds are more than covered.

Blend the almonds at high speed until completely dissolved.

Spoon three fairly large papayas (preferably chilled) into the blender.

Add ¼ cup of raisins (preferably organic golden raisins).

Add 3-4 tablespoons of organic blackstrap molasses.

Add 2 tablespoons of natural alcohol-free vanilla.

Blend at high speed until all ingredients are completely mixed together.

Pour the pudding into bowls for serving. You may sprinkle on ground coconut, organic pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds to make a complete meal. We add ground golden flaxseed as well, for the Omega-3’s. This is a recipe that will never disappoint! Give it a try. Your family and friends will love it!

Amazing Testimonies
Overcoming Arthritis and Severe Spinal Stenosis
A True Story by Arnie Suntag
Couple of Bicycle
Miracles do happen - but not always in a way that many of us have come to believe. When illness strikes, we may pray for healing. We may lay hands upon the one who is ailing and ask the Lord to remove the disease. But, is this the only way, as Christians, that we should expect to be healed? Scripture tells us that if we live a biblical life, the Lord will protect us from disease (Exodus 15:26). Paul reminds us that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit and that we should therefore take proper care of them (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19-20). But are we following the wisdom the Lord gave us, or are we living by our own whims and desires and expecting the Lord to rescue us each time we get hurt as a result?
Like the most loving parent anyone can ever have, the Lord allows us to learn our own lessons. This is true unconditional love – the kind that many of us have a difficult time practicing with our own loved ones. The Lord lets us make our own choices, but with this freedom there may be consequences. It is true that miraculous healings do happen every day. But, if we continue in the wayward practices that brought us to illness in the first place, it is unbiblical to expect the Lord to rescue us by instantly removing what we ourselves created. If that were the case, we would never learn what our dear Father in heaven lovingly urged us to follow. Thus, we would continue to do all the things He asked us not to do, without consequence. To use a specific example, a brother in Christ developed emphysema as a result of smoking cigarettes. Everyone prayed for him and genuinely expected a miraculous healing. But the irony is that the man never stopped smoking. Is it realistic to expect the disease to be miraculously removed even though he was defying the very principles that the Bible teaches?

Now let us take a look at an even more mundane and commonplace example. Many Christians are eating a diet filled with processed foods, sugars, bleached flours, fats, and myriad chemicals – all of the things that even traditional medicine knows will result in disease. Each day I encounter sincere brothers and sisters in Christ suffering with heart disease, diabetes, and other very serious illnesses that can without a doubt be tied to their diets. Yet, they refuse to make changes to their diets or lifestyles, despite what the Bible tells us. One dear friend, an elderly woman with a truly loving spirit who helped to found a local church, was hospitalized with diabetes. She had developed an aggressive infection in her toes. Her diet had consisted of refined and bleached flours, fatty meats, and sugars. She did not consider dietary changes or natural healing methods, but she and many brothers and sisters in Christ prayed for her deliverance from the unmanageable infection. Each time they prayed for her and lay hands upon her, the doctors surgically removed another toe. She finally lost a leg. The horrible tragedy in all of this is that her suffering was entirely preventable, and the Bible tells us so.

My own story is in many ways no different. As a corporate executive, my diet was simply horrific. When I was diagnosed with cancer, it was really no surprise. Through prayer, however, I began to make changes. Through removing many of the offending ingredients in my diet and adding various natural remedies, I was able to shrink the tumors and alleviate many symptoms. Unfortunately, years of poor eating habits had also caused the development of osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and other bone and joint problems. But this brings me to the miraculous part of my story.

The arthritic problems I suffered with appeared irreversible, at least according to the doctors. The pain in my neck, back, and right arm was so severe, that I considered myself completely crippled. The pain and lack of mobility in my right arm had in fact gotten so bad that, on one occasion, my wife actually had to write for me. I certainly could not throw a baseball anymore or swim without risk of drowning. However, after prayer, a careful study of scripture, and a review of the natural healing methods available, I embarked on a change in diet that yielded truly miraculous results. In a nutshell, I started on a predominantly raw vegan diet. I also removed the nightshades from my diet. I saw only slight improvement after a few months. Then, one day, I suffered what we now consider to be a healing crisis. I found myself in excruciating pain. I was coerced into visiting a sports medicine and orthopedic surgeon. After being x-rayed, the doctor compared the films to previous x-rays and MRIs and told me that calcium deposits on the bones appeared to be dissolving and breaking off, thereby pressing on nerves and causing the intense pain. It was a confirmation. I knew I was on the right track. While surgery could have been an option, I decided to wait it out. Within about a week, the pain began to subside and my arm became more mobile. Shortly after that, I was able to raise my arm again without any pain or discomfort. Finally, after only two weeks, my arm was completely mobile and flexible. For the first time in over five years, I could throw a baseball again. The most dramatic result – my wife and I journeyed out into the ocean swimming after dolphins! It appeared that I had received almost total healing. Did we pray? You bet we did. However, it was the wisdom that the Lord makes available to all of us that saved the day (James 1:5; Proverbs 2:3-5; John 14:26; 1 John 2:27). Prior to changing my lifestyle, I had been prayed over, had hands placed upon me, and I was anointed with oil. But, it was not until I changed my lifestyle and followed God’s plan for health and wellness that I was finally healed.

I urge everyone to consider what the Bible has to say about health and know that while we need to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), we also need to follow the roadmap that the Lord gave us for health and well being. According to medical science, I should have most likely died two years ago. But, because I followed the Lord’s plan for healing and wellness, I am healthier today than I have been in many years!

We are looking for other testimonies of healing to be included in future editions of Answers. If you would like to share your own personal testimony, please e-mail us at
Closing Thoughts
Letter from the Editor
I want to thank you for subscribing to Answers, the newsletter of Rational Christian Ministries. We are particularly thankful that this first issue of Answers was released in accordance with our publishing policies. Answers is published on the first day of each month. Previous issues may be viewed online in our archives.

I truly hope this first issue of Answers has been informative and helpful, providing some insight for you and your loved ones. It is our solemn and heartfelt purpose to provide timely and useful information for all of those seeking biblical truth during these most troubled times in our world.

With regard to the content in our newsletter, we offer information based upon biblical principles and commonly accepted standards. Nonetheless, although we stand firmly by our views on health and wellness, it is our legal obligation to tell you that you should consult recognized medical experts prior to making any major lifestyle changes. Furthermore, whatever you embark upon in your effort to live a fuller, healthier life, you should do so through prayer and deliberation. The Lord will always show you what path to take if you earnestly trust in Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

While the articles, book excerpts, graphics, and other copyrighted materials used in this newsletter should not be reproduced, reused, or sold to third parties without permission, we do encourage you to share this newsletter with your family and friends, particularly if you feel it could be of help to them. It is our prayerful hope that the information contained in our newsletters will help others to find a healthier life and a more satisfying and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Anyone can sign up for free by visiting the newsletter page on our website at: Also, if you have any questions or comments, you can contact us by clicking here.

Once again, I thank you for signing up for Answers and look forward to providing you with more exciting and new information in future issues.

With love in Christ,
Arnie Suntag

Copyright © 2006 Rational Christian Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.