Answers - The News Magazine of Rational Christian Ministries
In This Issue
Hawaii - Paradise or Purgatory?
June 1, 2006
Vol. 1 Issue 5
Copyright © 2006
Rational Christian Ministries, Inc.
Is Faith Healing Real?
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Are Soy Products Really Healthy?
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War Is Not Consistent With Our Faith
Feature Story
Hawaii -
Paradise or Purgatory?
Natural Gallstone Cleanse to Avoid Surgery
Hawaiian Girl on Beach
Kickin' Lemon Mustard Dressing
Escaping the Bombs in WWII Japan
Better Late than Never!
..A culture quickly disappearing
Feature Story
Hawaii - Paradise or Purgatory?
.by Arnie Suntag
Hawaiian Facade
I have always been amazed at how Hollywood artists can make something so contrived look so incredibly real. Oftentimes, we will hear the expression bigger than life used by those who have been impressed by this artistry. It is a wonder that so many can be lulled into accepting a façade. Perhaps this is possible in large measure because of our propensity to see only what we want to believe.
Unfortunately, such is the case with Hawaii.
As the tourists line up in droves to take the helicopter tours, fill their plates at a luau, or soak up the sunshine on the white sandy beaches, the painful truth about Hawaii remains hidden under this seamlessly manufactured façade. Ask nearly any visitor to the islands about their experience and they will vaunt all the wonderful sights, sounds, and fragrances they encountered in their journey to paradise, but you will scarcely hear a word mentioned about the homeless, the unhealthy populace, and the abandoned vehicles. Indeed, the graphic signs of a dying culture and the repercussions of outside intrusion are nothing but fodder for debate by philanthropists and pseudo-intellectuals with time on their hands. The tragic legacy of a great and once healthy culture will remain buried in the shadow of the almighty dollar.
In 1778, the Hawaiian Islands were discovered by the British explorer, Captain James Cook, who named them the Sandwich Islands in honor of the Earl of Sandwich. This represented the first contact with the outside world for the indigenous peoples. Many others followed including the American Protestant missionaries in 1820, the Chinese in 1852, the Portuguese in 1878, the Germans in 1881, the Japanese in 1885, the Koreans in 1902, the Filipinos in 1905, and the Spanish in 1907. Pivotal to the history of Hawaii, however, was the cultural impact of the encroaching Western world. As a result of diseases brought in by the American missionaries and others who followed, nearly 90 percent of the indigenous peoples died. The lack of natural immunity to Western diseases vanquished the Hawaiian people, and they rapidly became a minority, leaving an opportunity for exploitation and subjugation by unscrupulous Western politicians and businesspeople. And that is exactly what happened.
Although many flippantly compare the legacy of the Hawaiian people with those of Native Americans on the mainland, where the decimation of entire cultures was perpetrated by the early Anglo settlers, the impact on Hawaiian culture and tradition has in reality been far more insidious and complex. True victims of Westernization and, subsequently, their own frustrations and shattered dreams, the Hawaiian people are suffering with the consequences of a suppressed history that can only be described as a nightmare.
Kamehameha Statue
Many are unaware that Hawaii did not become the 50th state in the union until 1959, following a long struggle that included bloodless revolutions, incursions by fortune hunters and greedy corporations, and misrepresentations by Congress and past presidential administrations. Even fewer know about Hawaii’s Sovereignty Movement, a grassroots effort designed to reclaim Hawaii from the United States government and to return to traditional values where, for instance, the ‘aina, or land, is of paramount importance. The effort to restore Hawaii to an independent nation was inaugurated essentially when the pillaging of the land by outsiders became graphically evident and sufficiently intolerable, that changes became imperative to ensure the survival of the Hawaiian people.
So, exactly, what does all of this mean to the uninformed tourist or prospective Hawaii resident? Simple. Hawaii is far from being the paradise portrayed by the travel industry. In fact, there are so many serious problems in Hawaii today, that one should seriously consider the reasons for planning to relocate there. Furthermore, every tourist should greatly revere and respect the Hawaiian people for the evils that have been perpetrated upon them by past generations, and for their tenacity in surviving these needless and brutal outside incursions.
The damage to a once thriving Hawaiian culture is visible in nearly every fiber of Hawaiian life today. Yet, most tourists never notice the tents planted along the Wai'anae Coast on Oahu or the ever-increasing homeless population of native Hawaiians living under highway overpasses, in public parks, or even in parking lots. And these are not drug addicts, mentally ill, or even unemployed people. They are typically hard working Hawaiians who cannot afford the exorbitant cost of housing in their own state. And it is certainly no fault of theirs. Ironically, these same unfortunate people are often the victims of eviction by the police, because of the pressure to keep tourists and business owners happy.
Hawaiian Child
The perpetual influx of well-to-do mainlanders has artificially inflated the value of real estate in Hawaii, resulting in a virtually impenetrable housing market for most native Hawaiians. A simple starter home can cost more than $300,000 and rents are often well in excess of $1,500 a month. When you couple this with the high cost of food, fuel, and domestic supplies resulting from the inherent challenges of shipping and distribution, the picture becomes even more grim. Only those Hawaiians reaching the upper echelons of the corporate world or government can manage such an economic burden. And there is no relief in sight. As costs continue to rise and greedy developers continue to exploit the land once owned by native Hawaiians, the challenges to Hawaiian families and traditional cultural values become even more insurmountable.

The economic dilemma in Hawaii might perhaps be more palatable had the impact on real estate been due only to legitimate outside purchases. But, the fact is, decades ago, unscrupulous developers and landowners literally stole huge tracts of land from the Hawaiian people. In some cases, would-be landowners marched in and erected fences to claim land that did not belong to them. Local Hawaiian residents were often duped into signing documents forcing them to forfeit land that had been in their families for generations, sometimes having been passed down to them by Hawaiian royalty. In any event, much of the real estate anomaly in Hawaii has its roots in illegitimate activities by outsiders, making the scourge of homelessness and poverty in the state even more unsavory. While the Sovereignty Movement is attempting to regain the rights of native Hawaiians from a government that has essentially supported the legality of these past incursions by outsiders, it may well be too late. The damage has already been done and its roots are just too deep.

As a result of the extraordinary costs in Hawaii, it is not uncommon to find as many as ten or more families sharing one home. Many Hawaiians have to work at two or more jobs in order to make ends meet. And while tourists come to enjoy the beauty of the islands in carefree luxury at one of the large resorts, the Hawaiian people continue to suffer with the impact of a legacy that has left them homeless and often without hope. The abandoned vehicles that often dot the landscape paint a bleak picture of those who have simply given up.
  Door with Graffiti
The Westernization of Hawaii has left an indelible mark on the lives of its people. Alcohol and drugs are now rampant, oftentimes even more striking than in localities on the mainland. Methamphetamine, often referred to as ice, is literally destroying the lives of many of the Hawaiian youth. But, the most noticeable impact of Western influence on Hawaii is in the unhealthy diet that has pervaded the islands where eating nutritious food was once a way of life. Spam and white rice are staples in the Hawaiian diet, along with other refined and processed foods. Where locally grown produce like taro was once a mainstay in the Hawaiian diet, some of the more substantially unhealthy packaged foods have taken their place. Fast
food chains have flourished. Obesity is out of control. And, while diabetes and heart disease have increased exponentially on the mainland, the impact in Hawaii has been even more staggering. Local hospitals have become surgical factories; systemically amputating limbs that have become infected due to diabetes. It is a sad commentary on the present level of consciousness about wellness, and a testimony to the malignant process that is leaving many Hawaiians in despair.
The impact of the Western world has also affected Hawaiian government. The kind of recklessness that the outside world once levied against the Hawaiian people is now, sadly, being perpetrated by the Hawaiians against themselves. Initially due to the unrealistic standards imposed on Hawaii by mainland government guidelines and regulations, Hawaii has constructed a bureaucracy that is so top-heavy and unresponsive, that it requires an inordinate amount of time and effort to accomplish even the most menial tasks. For example, in an island state where decentralization should be the obvious approach, Hawaii has the only centralized Department of Education (DOE) in the nation. Operating on a budget of over $2.2 billion dollars, more than half the general fund, this agency has built a gauntlet around its behemoth management structure that few can penetrate. Tragically, in conjunction with federal mandates like NCLB (No Child Left Behind), which does not integrate well into Hawaii’s unique culture, the DOE has done a devastatingly poor job at meeting the needs of the students it serves, resulting in numerous lawsuits. The bureaucracy is so impotent, that in 2002 it neglected an opportunity for a $6.1 million interest-free loan that could have been used to address a backlog of repair and maintenance issues affecting schools, because it missed the announcement and failed to apply. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Without the kind of progressive educational environment that will equip students with the skills they need for the future, the plague that faces Hawaii today will only continue to worsen. And with other government agencies operating even more inefficiently than the DOE, the promise of a better future for Hawaii residents is dubious at best.
The bottom line is that Hawaii is not the place that the unsuspecting tourist or part time resident would like to believe it is, based on the beautiful landscapes and scenic vistas. It is a place filled with sadness and discouragement, and a loving native people who have suffered the consequences of outsiders’ greed, ambition, and excessive materialism for too long. Yet, through it all, they have managed to maintain the aloha spirit, something that all of those who visit the islands should firmly plant in their own minds and hearts, particularly if they profess to be Christians.
Health News
Is Faith Healing Real?
.by Arnie Suntag
Leap of Faith
You have probably seen it on Christian television, or perhaps in your own church. An earnest believer contritely limps onto the platform where the evangelist or pastor is preaching. After a few words from scripture about coming boldly unto the throne of grace, a slap on the forehead, a fall to the floor, and enthusiastic shouts from the congregation, a miracle occurs. The once seriously ill adherent is spontaneously healed of his or her disease. It is truly exciting and awe-inspiring. But is it real?
It seems that the most common prayer request made in churches, independent ministries, and via prayer networks today involves health. Millions of Christians are suffering with illness of one form or another and turning to their families, friends, fellow Christians and pastors for prayer and hope to face these trials. Invariably, many yearn for miraculous healing through prayer, by the laying on of hands, or through those who claim to have the gift of healing. In many cases, however, the results are rather tragic, perhaps even sufficiently disappointing to shake one’s faith to its very roots. Are those who search for answers through faith healing looking in the right place, or have they been deceived by one of the many clever ploys that the Bible warns us will abound in the end times?
We know that during the days of the early disciples, many were miraculously healed. Jesus healed the multitudes of all sorts of diseases and as a result they received the Good News and followed Him (Matthew 4:23-25; 12:15; 14:14; 15:30; 19:2). But as the throngs grew larger, He asked the disciples to pray for others who would help reach the many in need (Matthew 9:36-38). He then bestowed upon them the power to do exactly that (Matthew 10:1-8; Mark 3:14-15). Following the Day of Pentecost, when the power of the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples, they performed many miraculous healings (Acts 3:6-7; 8:5-7; 14:8-11; 28:8-9). Paul in his message to the church at Corinth spoke about the gift of healing (1 Corinthians 12:9, 28). But, oddly enough, not much was heard about miraculous healings through the centuries until the 1940s, when healing the sick became the mainstay of independent evangelists, many of whom were considered extremists and outcasts by most denominations. Some churches even claimed that such practices were rooted in mental instability or demonic possession. Yet, the acceptance of miraculous, spontaneous healings continued to grow throughout Christendom.
When the Charismatic Movement began in the 1960s, the concept of miraculous healings had become cemented into many of our churches. Nowadays, it is commonplace to see pastors and church members lay hands upon the sick, exhorting that “by His stripes” they will be healed (1 Peter 2:24). The ministry of Benny Hinn, one of the largest and most visible Christian ministries in the world today, is just one example of the popularity that spontaneous healing has gained in the eyes of millions of Christians. Hinn has been particularly noted for the numerous miraculous healings he has performed before enormous throngs of onlookers and worldwide television audiences. But, despite the glitz, glamour, and excitement of the miraculous healings portrayed by Benny Hinn and other large televangelist ministries, a new perspective began to surface – at least for those willing to read their Bibles and earnestly seek the truth.
  Benny Hinn Preaching

Benny Hinn Ministries was investigated by Dateline NBC and, in a scathing report released in December 2002, numerous improprieties were revealed including the large sums of money he spends on a luxurious lifestyle, and, more importantly, the ominous truth about those who were exhibited to audiences as being miraculously healed. In the NBC report and subsequent investigations, it was found that many who claimed to be healed through Hinn’s ministrations, had progressed to even greater illness or disability. One report even stated that those hoping for the chance to be healed had to offer up $2,500 just to get up on the platform with Hinn. But, the overwhelming evidence presented on Benny Hinn aside, millions still flock to see him in person or to catch his show on Christian television. The truth is that they fully believe in what he is

portraying, despite the controversy. And Hinn is not alone. There are many enormously successful ministries bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars from believers who are desperately seeking restored health, just as the throngs sought relief from their afflictions during the public ministry of Jesus Christ. Even in the smallest neighborhood church you can find adherents desperately praying for miraculous relief from disease, laying hands upon the sick and watching them fall to the ground in convulsions. So, one must ask the question, are today’s examples of miraculous healings the real thing, or are they merely a ploy cleverly contrived by Satan to deceive millions during the Last Days?
First, I must stress the fact that all things are possible to those who believe (Mark 9:23). Without a doubt, the Lord can heal us miraculously from serious disease or carry us through any trials we might face in life. Nonetheless, we must put the issue of spontaneous healing into the proper Biblical perspective. I can expound endlessly on the gifts of the Spirit and the reasons why the acts performed by the early disciples were in fact far different from those we might see today. But, I would rather focus on the more obvious reason for debunking the colorful practices that have carried many sincere believers away from the truth.
After Jesus healed the lame man at the pool of Bethesda, he said, “sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee” (John 5:14). Similarly, when he pardoned the adulteress brought before him by the scribes and the Pharisees, he said, “go, and sin no more” (John 8:11). The difference between those who were released from their illnesses or other trials during the days of the early disciples and all of us today is that the early followers did not have the benefit of knowing the scriptures beforehand. It was their miraculous healing, or freedom from trials, that brought them to the Gospel. When they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, their lives changed forever. Today, however, we already have the Word of God right at our fingertips, in the form of the Bible. As faithful Christians, we should be reading and studying this important road map for living healthy, productive, and Christ-like lives (2 Timothy 2:15). But, do we?
The Bible clearly tells us which foods will provide optimum health (Genesis 1:29; 2:9). It says that if we follow the Lord’s directions we will not suffer the diseases wrought upon the Egyptians (Exodus 15:26). It provides us a clear illustration of how a healthy diet, as opposed to one of self-indulgence, can keep us physically fit and mentally astute (Daniel 1:8-21). And, most importantly, the Bible strongly cautions us that we should properly care for our bodies because they are the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16). Paul, in his epistle to the church at Corinth, goes on to say that if any man defiles the temple of God, “him shall God destroy” (1 Corinthians 3:17). This cannot be a popular verse, by any means, for those today who repeatedly injure their bodies through the use of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and unhealthy diets despite clear Biblical instruction to the contrary. Paul reiterates this message in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, urging us to glorify God in our bodies, because we are bought with a price. How many of us are earnestly following these instructions the Lord gave to us?
It seems that as a race, we are extraordinarily adept at making excuses or rationalizing our own shortcomings. Many of us take only the shreds of scripture that we believe pertain to us, and leave the rest behind. In some cases, we ignore what the Bible says altogether. Then, when tragedy strikes, we sorrowfully wonder what went wrong. It is only then that we turn back to the Lord in earnest, begging for a reprieve through prayer. It is this same pattern of behavior that continually brought the children of Israel into disfavor with the Lord. They would fail to follow even the most basic instructions and then, when subdued by their enemies, they would implore the Lord to rescue them. Things have not changed a bit, unfortunately. As spiritual Jews, we are not doing any better than our ancestors.  

Boy Leaping

I know the preceding may perhaps sound somewhat heavy-handed, so I must confess the fact that I am no better or more righteous than the next person. It was not until my own life was devastated through serious illness that I finally accepted the message in the Bible that I should have followed all along. I was subsequently healed by diligently following the Lord’s instructions – not through a spontaneous miraculous event. It is important that all Christians understand this concept, because I am sorry to report that they in fact represent one of the unhealthiest segments of our society today. Even those immersed in the New Age Movement generally follow a better dietary and lifestyle program than most Christians.
If you manage to convince yourself that the argument about diet and disease is trivial or overblown, I refer you back, once again, to the Bible. And, if that does not challenge you as a Christian, just take a look at current events. Even mainstream society is beginning to recognize the grim truth about the enormous increase in disease and premature death in the world today. There have been several eye-opening stories in the past two weeks alone, including a report on NBC News regarding the alarming exponential increase in the incidence of diabetes in America. They associated this scourge with the extraordinary level of obesity and the typical American diet. Heart disease, which was virtually non-existent before 1900, has also been recognized for some time as a major killer in this country. The advent of packaged, canned, and processed foods, has been the primary culprit in the proliferation of these diseases as well as the overall spiraling health condition of millions of Americans. The truth is, virtually all disease, chronic or acute, can be traced back to improper or inadequate diet. And, Christians, who should know better, are riding the crest of the wave in unhealthy and disease-producing diets.
Faith Healing
Ultimately, when illness strikes, most Christians turn immediately to being healed through faith instead of looking at what brought them to the brink in the first place and how they can change their situation through God’s Word. They expect a miracle, when the Lord has already spoken quite clearly on the matter. They would rather seek out the somewhat dubious services of so-called faith healers, instead of changing the things in their lives that the Lord has already told them will not work. Our faith in Jesus can indeed bring miraculous healing. But, if we have violated the very tenets that the Lord has graciously given us through His Word, and we are not ready to abandon our reckless and impertinent behaviors, should we honestly expect to be healed? For example, consider the case of a diabetic Christian woman who was diagnosed with a toe infection
that spread to surrounding tissue. She and others prayed for a miraculous healing. A local pastor, who purportedly had the gift of healing, laid hands on her and prayed over her. Others from her church declared that “by His stripes” she would be healed. As they all looked on with miraculous expectations, one toe was amputated by the surgeons. As they continued to pray and perform one ritual after another, a second toe was removed. And then another. Finally her leg was amputated. When the removal of her leg finally stopped the infection, they declared that the Lord had healed her. Not once, did she or any of her companions take a look at her diet. For years, she had been eating canned and packaged foods, with voluminous amounts of white flours and refined sugars – the very fundamental cause of the diabetes. She did not modify her diet in any way during her ordeal, despite the Bible’s admonishments about self-care, nor did she even avail herself of the widely acknowledged worldly wisdom about how to manage Type II diabetes. And there are many other similar examples of professed Christians who, after being diagnosed with serious illness that they unfortunately created themselves, expected a miraculous healing. We learned of one young Christian man on our prayer network who, after developing emphysema, asked for spontaneous healing. Did he quit smoking? Absolutely not. He died soon afterward.
I will leave the real truth about faith healing today and the ministry icons that promote it to the earnest and insightful prayers of those who read this article. Nonetheless, I urge every believer looking for healing to go back to the Bible and stop playing church. We will not find relief from trials that we ourselves created, by engaging in regimented external rituals or ceremonies, as the Bible admonishes us in Matthew 15:8 and Hosea 6:6. We will find it only through a true heartfelt
relationship with Jesus Christ, which can only be genuine when we accept and follow the Gospel that He left for us – in its entirety. True faith involves trusting the Lord completely (Proverbs 3:5-6). It means believing in what the Bible tells us about self-care – not in what the physicians, the pharmaceutical industry, or our misguided contemporaries want us to believe. It means that we should eat right, exercise regularly, and do all the things necessary to care for our bodies, knowing that, if we do this with true conviction, the Lord will be faithful and not allow diseases to overcome us. To do otherwise and then ask for a miracle through dubious religious rituals is superstition, not faith. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 1:18).

Surgeon Pointing

My wife and I recently attended a small church service during which we met a faith healer who was apparently well regarded by the church members. During a fellowship lunch, he told us that the Lord gave him a great gift to work with those who are ill by sharing the Gospel and laying hands upon them, so that they could be healed. As he spoke, he munched on a greasy cheeseburger and a piece of chocolate cake. He finally excused himself and stepped out into the parking lot to have a cigarette. We were curious to hear more, but he could not control a coughing fit that had broken out and had to leave. One might be inclined in this instance to say, “physician, heal thyself.” Perhaps we should all take that old adage to heart. Although the meaning of this reference in Luke 4:23 is somewhat different, it does remind us that we must start at home – and we can do this by practicing what we preach. It is time to stop playing church. Remember, Jesus said, “go, and sin no more.” We have a choice between tangible Biblical reality, where we accept responsibility for our actions, and the questionable practices being proliferated by many of our church leaders. The Lord has given us the wisdom to know the difference (James 1:5).
Health Question of the Month
Are Soy Products Really Healthy?
.by Susan Suntag
Cow with Bullseye
For many years, the health food industry has been touting soy products as being superior to dairy. We have all heard countless explanations about the benefits of soy, from cholesterol reduction to weight control. But, after nearly 40 years of studying the long-term effects of using soy products, a frightening new picture has emerged that should urge everyone to think twice about using them.
One of the longest studies on soy products was inaugurated in Hawaii in 1965. The study involved more than 8,000 Japanese-American men, whose diets were closely scrutinized and followed over the years. The study showed a link between Alzheimer’s disease and the use of tofu and similar soy products. According to the study, the use of these soy products caused accelerated brain aging resulting in the loss of brain weight – the kind of atrophy typically found in Alzheimer’s or dementia. But, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Literally hundreds of bona fide epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory studies have pegged soy products as a key factor in thyroid dysfunction, digestive disorders, reproductive disorders, immune system breakdown, heart disease, cancer, and, of course, cognitive decline.
The use of soy has even been associated with type I diabetes and precocious puberty (early maturation, such as breast development and menstruation as early as 6 years of age) in children that have been fed soy formula. For years now, the relationship between the use of soy products and thyroid disease has been promoted to a somewhat skeptical public. Skeptical, because after the long-standing battle to assail dairy products and convert them to using
Woman Weighing Truth
soy, they are now being told that soy too is hazardous to one’s health. But, with the plethora of new studies emerging, it has become evident that eating soy products, even in moderation, could indeed be problematic. Here is just a brief summary of the dangers found in the use of soy products:
  • The vitamin B-12 analogs in soy cannot be assimilated by the body and actually increase the body’s requirements for B-12.
  • Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D.
So, by now you must be asking yourself, what am I to do? After switching to soy after years of using dairy products, you have been thoroughly sold on its attributes. The fabulous marketing program to camouflage the truth, launched by agribusiness giants Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland was successful. You cannot imagine returning to dairy products. And, practically speaking, that is something you should not do. So, what is the alternative?
The good news is that for those who cannot live without some form of milk substitute, there are products made from rice and nuts. There are several excellent brands of almond milk, for instance. You can also find cheeses made from rice and nuts as well. You see, all is not lost. Just visit your local health food store or supermarket, and you will find a variety of substitutes for both dairy and soy products. The cost may be somewhat higher than what you have been paying for soy products, but the health benefits cannot be assailed. Regardless of what you do, be sure to consider the warnings about soy products. For years, I used tofu and other soy products. Today, I am working to reverse the numerous health consequences that resulted from using these products, including an endocrine disorder. You may want to consider my testimony the next time you crave a slice of soy cheese or a bowl of cereal with soy milk. It is just not worth the risk.
Biblical Living Feature
War Is Not Consistent With Our Faith
.by John Wilson
Fighter Jet with Missiles
Any element or faction that divides people, families, tribes or states, will take away peace. Prosperity goes with peace and leaves with war. Under civil conditions, countries and governments do not go to war to gain power over others or to exploit the masses and rob their treasures. It is not beneficial to go to war. War is expensive both in terms of finance and in loss of friendship – not to mention life itself. Civility includes friendship, communication, and possibly companionship and partnership. It certainly does not include hatred and war.
In war, which is recognized by physical action, there is also propaganda. This is carried on in another dimension of human existence; the dimension of the mind and intellect. Within this realm is what we call intelligence, or information gathering about the intentions and movements of the enemy. Knowing the intentions and plans of the enemy gives the state or country under attack an advantage. This advantage provides an opportunity to protect its interests and possibly prepare for a counterattack. Each side uses all means possible to gain advantage and control over the other. Propaganda is then used for the purpose of affecting the attitudes of the people engaged in war and those who support and finance the war. This is a matter of heart; the spiritual nature of humanity. When the morale of the military forces is low, it means that they have lost their spirit - their enthusiasm and will to fight. This may happen also to the citizens who must support the military forces. In this way, propaganda is used to affect the hearts and attitudes of the people fighting, as well as those supporting the war. It can generate hatred and thus perpetuate the fighting.
Any church or religion that teaches hatred is violating God and man. God is love (1 John 4:16). He desires partnership with all of His creation. In our higher nature, or our noble nature, we desire partnership. In our lower nature we desire to survive. We are selfish and try to get what we need. We are proud in our lower nature. This helps us to survive in a competitive world. We make partnerships, devise confederacies and make pacts. Survival becomes the name of the game, on the lower level. But, together with hatred held in the heart, it works to take over our higher, or noble nature. Thus, respect, love, and compassion are stolen from the world. This phenomenon has baffled brilliant minds and great statesmen throughout recorded history. We still seem to struggle to find a balance that promotes peace. That is because one important element is missing. And that element is Truth. It is only the Truth found in God’s Word that can keep us free from the controlling influences of our lower nature (John 8:32).
The world has tried religious rule. The world has tried State rule, outlawing religion. How well did any of this work? When have we ever lived without war or discord among some part of humanity? Does society ever benefit by war? Perhaps a few of the strongest gain some advantage for a while. But it is always at the expense, degradation, and loss to others.
Where does the desire for peace and prosperity come from? Both good and evil spring from the hearts of men and women. Both benevolence and selfishness reside first in our hearts. From desires, feelings, and motives, come thoughts that move us to speak and act. Thus, we have the formula to bring peace and prosperity. Just simply change the hearts of everybody and we will have a beautiful world. The hearts of millions of innocent children, parents and grandparents long for such a world. Prominent leaders throughout history have done their best to bring about lasting peace and prosperity. We, as human beings have tried every means possible to ensure peace. How well have we done?
Victim of War
The fact is, we are sitting on a time bomb. If we continue as we have been, we face global disaster. The advances in technology have gone far beyond our advances in changing the hearts of society. The hearts of the rich and powerful are still selfish. They are proud and arrogant. But, among all classes, religions, and nations, there are some who live by principles, not by the feelings and the desires of their lower nature. Their powers of reason, their sensitive conscience, and their personal will rule over appetites and passions. They take seriously the principles of treating others the way they would like to be treated themselves. And they make choices that give evidence of their respect for the rights, feelings and desires of others. More than this, they visit those in trouble and in need to see what they may do to help them, and then teach them how to help themselves. These are the people who, whether they call themselves Christians or not, know what is right in the eyes and understanding of God and man.
With all of the people in the world that claim to be religious and believe in God, why is there so much war? This question has been asked throughout history. The cry of many children, parents and most of society has gone out seeking the answer. Many abandon the idea of God allowing the suffering of humanity to go on if He is just and powerful. Others claim that God is vengeful and causing suffering because people do not obey His demands. And you may be sure that those who see God as a demanding dictator will act the same when they get power and authority in society. Indeed, terrorists believe they have a right to destroy unbelievers and infidels. Others believe they should punish or kill heretics. Many believe that God will burn in hell those who do not submit to His authority. And when these religionists get power and authority in state affairs, will they carry out God's will?
Global Handshake
The noble minds and hearts of others who love peace and prosperity in a setting of partnership are drawn together and everybody benefits - everybody wins. With these people religion is a matter of the heart. They organize only for the purpose of serving and benefiting society more effectively. They have no creed to measure themselves against others. They have no dogma to demand compliance of themselves or of others. They are not superstitious and fearful that they will displease some demanding god of their own imagination. They love benevolence and find
enjoyment in going about their life doing good, relieving others in need and teaching them to develop benevolent thinking and acting and enjoying the results of such a life.
We can all have peace and prosperity when we live our lives in accordance with Biblical principles. This is the message we must carry to others. It is one of true faith and trust in God. It can only be disseminated in the same way the early disciples were instructed, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). This means we must practice what we preach in all of our own affairs and live our own lives in a Christ-like manner. This is the only way we will reach others with the Truth.
Safe and Effective Home Remedies
Natural Gallstone Cleanse to Avoid Surgery
.by Arnie Suntag
Surgical Team
If I could stop every person considering gallbladder surgery from going through with the procedure, I would give anything I own to do so. That’s right. It is a big mistake. I should know. I had it done many years ago. I cannot count the number of times since that time that I have regretted the surgery and remarked to myself that, had I known then what I know now, I would never have permitted the surgery to be done. Today, I urge everyone to find out all they possibly can about this surgery before it is too late.
What most people do not know about gallbladder surgery, or cholecystectomy, is that it is probably about the most unnecessary surgery performed today, and perhaps one of the most dangerous – particularly if it cannot be performed laparoscopically. It is actually the most common surgery to remove an organ done in the United States next to hysterectomy. A record number of these surgeries are performed each year and the number continues to grow, currently reaching over half a million a year. Naturally, the doctors will tell you that cholecystectomy is a very simple procedure and that you can be back to normal activity in no time, without ill effects. They will also tell you that the gallbladder is really not needed by the body, so the surgery will not have any adverse impact whatsoever. That is, you will have no problems after it is gone. Both of these statements are completely false, as the co-worker of a dear friend of ours just found out recently. Despite earnest pleading by our friend urging her to look at the real truth about the procedure, she decided to go ahead with the surgery anyway. She died.
Many may recall that tonsillectomy used to be the most common surgery performed decades ago. Why did this change? Simple. After virtually millions of unnecessary surgeries, doctors learned that the tonsils indeed have a purpose. They are part of the immune system and help
Greasy Foods
the body fight infection. If only they would be so forthcoming in advising patients of the truth about gallstones and the function of the gallbladder. The fact is, gallbladder disease and gallstones are almost always the result of poor nutrition. Consumption of meats, fatty or fried foods, soft drinks and sugar products, or products using refined flours will invariably result in the formation of gallstones. Furthermore, gallstones are completely reversible, even though it may take a bit of effort.
The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ located underneath the liver in the upper right side of the abdomen. It averages about three to six inches in length. It is connected to the liver and small intestine by small tubes called bile ducts. The gallbladder serves as a reservoir for bile produced by the liver. Between meals, bile accumulates in the gallbladder and is concentrated. During meals, the gallbladder contracts emptying bile into the small intestines to assist with digestion. Gallbladder symptoms are the result of the formation of gallstones (cholelithiasis). The symptoms are generally the result of a gallstone obstructing the cystic duct. This can cause considerable pain and discomfort. There may also be the risk of infection. There are two major types of gallstones. Cholesterol gallstones, composed mainly of cholesterol formed in the liver, are the most common and account for nearly 80 percent of all gallstone cases in the United States. Pigment gallstones, composed of calcium salts, bilirubin, and other materials, account for the other 20 percent.
So, what is the alternative to cholecystectomy? Believe it or not, a simple cleansing procedure can be employed to remove stones from the liver and gallbladder, particularly those that are blocking the bile ducts. The procedure has been successfully used by millions and, if nothing else, it should be given both priority and serious consideration before consenting to surgery. The procedure and associated information is summarized below. For more in-depth information, refer to the book, The Cure for all Diseases by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. There is also a wealth of information available on numerous websites when you select the keywords gallbladder cleanse.
Epsom Salt
Collect all the ingredients you will need to do the gallstone cleanse. This includes the following:

½ cup extra virgin olive oil


1 or more large grapefruits (you may substitute lemons)


Epsom salt (MgSO4 + 7H2O) – For oral use*

3 cups water or 3 cups of freshly pressed grapefruit or apple juice
*Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate which is used to relax biliary tubes and ducts so that stones, which can often grow to a significant size and cause blockage, can be effectively released. Be sure to select a brand of Epsom salt designated for oral use.
You may want to consume at least 1 liter of apple juice a day for six days prior to the cleanse to help soften the stones. The procedure is best performed when you do not have to work or leave home the following day. Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch that includes fruits, vegetables, and grains. Take no medications or vitamins of any kind. Do not eat anything after 2:00 PM. You may then perform the cleanse. Here is the timeline for each step:
6:00 PM: Mix four tablespoons of Epsom salt in 3 cups of water and keep it in a jar. This makes four servings, ¾ cup each or 185 ml. Drink your first portion now. You may take a few sips of water afterwards to get rid of the bitter taste in the mouth (it may be easier to take it with a large plastic straw, as this will bypass the taste buds on the tongue).
8:00 PM: Drink your second ¾ cup of Epsom salt.
9:30 PM: If you have not had a bowel movement until now, take a water enema. This will trigger a series of bowel movements.
9:45 PM: Squeeze the grapefruit(s). You will need ¾ cup of juice - remove the pulp. Pour the juice and ½ cup olive oil into the jar. Close the jar tightly and shake hard about twenty times, or until watery. You want to drink this mixture at 10 PM, but if you feel you still need to visit the bathroom a few more times, you may delay drinking it for 10 minutes.
10:00 PM: Stand next to your bed (do not sit) and drink the concoction. If possible, consume it all at once. You may use a large plastic straw, if you wish. You may also use brown sugar to chase it down between sips. Do not take more than 5 minutes to drink the mixture.
Lie down immediately, or you may not be able to release the stones. Turn off the lights and lie flat on your back with your head up high on a pillow or two. Try not to move around. There should not be any pain because the Epsom salt will keep the valves of the bile ducts open wide for the stones to pass. Try to sleep if you can. If you must have a bowel movement during the night, do so. You may already notice small gallstones (pea green or tan-colored) in the toilet.
6:00 – 6:30 AM: Upon awakening, but not before 6 AM, drink your third ¾ cup of Epsom salt. If you feel very thirsty, drink a glass of warm water before taking the salt. Rest. If you feel sleepy, go back to bed.
8:00 – 8:30 AM: Drink your fourth and last ¾ cup Epsom salt and rest.
10:00 – 10:30 AM: You may drink freshly pressed fruit juice, preferably apple or orange juice. Half an hour later eat 1- 2 pieces of fruit. One hour later you may eat a regular, but light meal.
This cleansing procedure may need to be repeated, depending upon the individual and the severity of the condition. The success rate is excellent. You should find gallstones in the toilet when you have a bowel movement. The gallstones will usually float on the surface of the water because they contain cholesterol. It is always recommended that a colonic or enema be performed after the procedure to remove any stones that remain in the colon, potentially causing irritation.
Keep in mind that this is a treatment for the removal of gallstones. The cause of the gallstones, that is, diet, must also be addressed. After alleviating the problem caused by gallstones, it is important that you scrutinize and, if necessary, modify your diet and lifestyle accordingly to avoid such problems in the future.
Personally, I would rather perform the preceding procedure a thousand times than ever undergo a gallbladder surgery. Bear in mind that, once the gallbladder is removed, you will suffer with impaired digestion and chronic essential fatty acid deficiencies for the rest of your life. To me, the choice seems to be a no-brainer.
This Month's Scrumptious Healthy Recipe
Kickin' Lemon Mustard Dressing
Fresh from the Suntag Kitchen
Salad Dressings
Have you ever scoured the supermarket to find a bottled dressing that actually tastes good? They really are hard to find. Then of course, there are the packaged dressings. Not much better, are they? The fact is, nothing beats a fresh homemade dressing. They are, hands down, healthier and better tasting. But, for most of us, preparing a dressing from scratch seems so difficult and time-consuming. Well, fret no more. Here is a recipe for a good tasting and healthy dressing that should not take any more than 10 minutes to prepare – and it's simple! It has always been one of our own personal favorites. Just follow this easy recipe:
Squeeze 2-3 large lemons, or as many as needed to make approx. 1 cup of lemon juice
Pour juice into a blender
Add 2 large cloves of fresh garlic and blend thoroughly
Add ⅔ cup of 100% pure grape seed oil
Add 2 tbsp of organic brown rice vinegar
Add 1 tbsp of organic mustard powder or 1½ tsp of prepared organic mustard
Add 2 tsp of organic agave nectar
Add ¼ tsp of sea salt
Add ⅛ tsp of organic horseradish

Blend the mixture thoroughly and pour it into a 16 oz or larger glass jar with a lid for storage in the refrigerator. When ready to serve, shake thoroughly, pour into a cruet, and enjoy the delightful zing of this fresh organic dressing!

Amazing Testimonies
Escaping the Bombs in WWII Japan
A Testimony by Mieko Pascali
Soldier with Weapon
We must consider ourselves very fortunate. Most of us have never had to face an all out military attack against our country with planes overhead, bombs falling everywhere, and bodies strewn about wherever we go. Such an ordeal would truly stretch the faith of many. But, for one humble and very thankful Japanese woman living in Kahului, Hawaii, it was just such an ordeal that helped her build a true trust in the Lord, cementing her faith forever. Mieko Pascali remembers vividly the challenge of fleeing from the Allied bombs during World War II, as she, along with her sister and brothers, ran with their mother from the carnage that ensued.

Mieko’s father was born in Korea. Her mom lived in Tokyo. They met each other through an arranged marriage, a practice that was popular in Japan in those days. They moved to Kagoshima where they raised a family. “My mom really didn’t want to love my dad,” says Mieko. “But he was such a good father that, by the time he died, she had come to love him so much that it was hard to live without him.” Her father became very ill when her mom was pregnant with her last child. She was urged to abort the child, but she refused. One week after her mom delivered the healthy baby boy, Mieko's dad died from severe asthma, which was difficult to treat in pre WWII Japan, leaving her mom with four children. As the Lord would have it, this same child took care of her mom when she was dying many years later.

Mieko’s mom was not a Christian at the time she lost her husband, but the experience changed her life. “She missed my dad and wanted to see him so badly,” says Mieko. “Each night at midnight, she would open the door of the house hoping to see his ghost. After struggling with her grief for a long time, she started to visit my dad’s sister – my auntie - for comfort. She was invited to my auntie’s church, where she finally came to know God.” Her mom subsequently made it a practice to sing songs and read the Bible to the children at sunset. The family later moved to the heart of Tokyo, where things began to change.

Mieko’s mom bought a barber shop in Tokyo with the assets left behind by her husband. She left Mieko and her sister and brother alone everyday to go to work. She would ride the train for 45 minutes each way, as there were no automobiles for the populace at that time. “My auntie still lived in Kagoshima, so my mom stopped going to church,” says Mieko. But, her mom never lost her faith. She would surely need it in the days to come.
Japanese Child with Mom
The war began when Mieko was in elementary school. While at school, the children were taught that the Emperor, Hirohito, was like God. “We were told that if anyone looked at him directly, they would become blind instantly,” says Mieko. “Every morning, at school, we were told to bow down to a photo of the Emperor.”
One can only imagine the shock experienced by many when planes began to attack Tokyo. After having been programmed through continuous propaganda that Japan would win the war, the sound of the sirens stunned everyone. “First, the sirens went off,” says Mieko. “The sound of the sirens was in short bursts, which meant the planes were right overhead. We heard bombing and machine guns firing everywhere. It was a surprise attack.”
Those living in the area were told to dig trenches to hide in during air raids. “Every home had to dig a hole for protection,” says Mieko. “When the sirens sounded, you would get in the hole up to your head (bent over). But, my mom did not want to get in the hole. There were people
Bombers Overhead
running everywhere!” Mieko’s mom took two children in each hand and ran for safety, following the multitudes. Everywhere they went, there were dead bodies around them. “There were dead people everywhere,” says Mieko. “They were hit by shrapnel. Somehow, we made it through without being hit. We could hear the bombing far away, as we continued to run.”


When the B-29s were visible during the daytime, the children thought the planes were “beautiful.” “We were told that Americans were like animals, with red hair all over their bodies, like gorillas,” says Mieko. “But, when we saw the planes, we thought to ourselves that the enemy is beautiful.”
After surviving through the attacks in Tokyo, Mieko’s mom decided to take the children back to Kagoshima. “The school teachers wanted to take the children to the countryside for safety, because there was no bombing there,” says Mieko. “But my mom felt uneasy and worried what would happen to us if she died. She thought that she might just as well die at home, near her husband’s grave, so she took us back to Kagoshima. The train ride took three days, because the train often had to hide in tunnels along the way until the bombing stopped.”
In Kagoshima, the children returned to elementary school. Mieko’s mom went back to church with her husband’s sister. For two months, an almost eerie quiet fell upon the city. Then, one night, the worst happened. “We heard planes diving and bombs falling everywhere,” says Mieko. The children were told to sleep in their street clothes. They all slept on the floor with their mom, who kept her Bible and handbag just above her head in case of an emergency.
The family was always ready to run on a moment’s notice. “My mom got us and we ran out of the house. It was so bright – like daytime! There was fire all around us. Crowds of people were running along with a stampede of cows and horses. There was smoke everywhere, making it hard to see. Many people were crushed by the stampede.”
Buildings on Fire
As they ran for their lives, they could see many people in trenches trying to hide from the bombs and the fire. “One lady waved at us to come stay in the dirt holes with them,” says Mieko, “but my mom would not listen. She just kept running with the crowd trying to make it to the platform at the train station.” Not knowing where she got the words from at seven years of age, Mieko recalls that she looked up at the sky and yelled, “God, please forgive our sins and save us!” She believed that the prophetic end of the world had arrived.
At the train station, there was a stream running between the numerous railroad tracks. Mieko recalls that some men brought straw mats, and soaked them with water. She and the others hid under the mats, immersing themselves in the stream, as the fires raged around them. They remained there all night. Somehow, the faith that had been instilled in them carried them through. “We had no fear at all,” says Mieko. “We were more curious than afraid – like it was an adventure.” As they looked on, railroad cars filled with ammunition exploded in a great fireball. “The trains blew up one at a time. To us, it was like watching fireworks. We would shout, YEY every time one of them blew up, just like at a fireworks show.”
The night ended and suddenly a deep silence fell upon the area. The family got up and began to walk. Then the painful reality became evident. “It was so quiet,” says Mieko. The city was so flattened, that even the ocean was visible from where they stood. “I am not sure why, but my mom wanted to walk back to where our home was. There were dead people everywhere! They were all burned black or swelled up from the heat.” Then they saw the trench that the woman had invited them into earlier. She and her entire family were dead. “My brother said that the Lord had saved us.” Despite a small burn on one of her brother's toes, Mieko and her family were unharmed.
Remains of Home
As they neared their destination, they saw that their home was completely destroyed. But, in the rubble was a large iron kettle. It was a Japanese custom to soak rice overnight, so the kettle contained the rice Mieko’s mom had put in it just before the massive attack began. They were all hungry after the long night of terror. Although the wood lid on the kettle was burned, the rice had been cooked by the intense fires and was ready to eat! “The rice was cooked perfectly,” says Mieko. “My mom made rice balls and gave them to everyone who survived.”
With no place to live, Mieko and her family were directed to the local school where the Japanese military provided food and other supplies. After that, they went to live with her aunt out in the countryside, away from all the bombing. They remained there for about two months until returning to Tokyo. In Tokyo, they found that the place they previously lived had also burned. Title to the barber shop that Mieko’s mom owned had been illicitly taken from her. The family started over once again. Her mom took a job at a local hospital and they began to attend church again. Then, one day, the event that shook the world and changed history forever occurred. The atomic bomb was dropped. “There are no words to describe it,” says Mieko. “It was like a big spark and then a brilliant light. Then the thunderous sound came, followed by the mushroom cloud.” She fully believes that the Lord sent them away from Kagoshima exactly when He did, so that they would not be close to the massive explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the fallout that followed.
Today, Mieko lives in Kahului with her husband, Raymond. She is intricately involved in her church and in the community. She is always ready to lend a helping hand wherever she goes and to assist those in need. She says that she has no fears of any kind because she knows that the Lord is always with her. She is truly an inspiration to all who meet her.
On a closing note, Mieko is a dear friend of Arnie and Susan Suntag. Ironically, on the fateful day that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan, Susan’s dad was offshore on the Harry F. Bauer, a U.S. Navy destroyer with a live torpedo in its side, watching the event. “He was never the same again,” says Susan. “He turned away from God and struggled the rest of his life, until he was on his deathbed and finally gave his heart to Jesus Christ.”
The world truly is smaller than we think. Through the tragedy of World War II, one life was nearly turned away from the Lord – but the other remained a living testimony of faith to all who meet her. We can all stand to learn much from this story of true courage and deliverance. Perhaps if we can learn to trust that the Lord has a reason for everything, we can stop struggling with the oftentimes horrific challenges in life - no matter how painful they may be for us personally. “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7).
Mushroom Cloud
We are looking for other testimonies to be included in future editions of Answers. If you would like to share your own personal testimony, please e-mail us. Those whose testimonies are selected for publication will receive a free copy of The Rational Christian.
Closing Thoughts
Letter from the Editor
Better Late than Never!
Arnie Suntag
Well, better late than never! We barely made it this month – just under the wire. While we strive to release Answers no later than the first week of each month, we have been challenged with ministry opportunities and responsibilities this past June that far exceeded our expectations. Thus, our later-than-usual release. We offer our sincere apologies to our loyal readers.
When considering our delay this month, it is incumbent upon me to once again mention the ongoing need for help from our subscribers and ministry family. If you are an experienced researcher or writer interested in providing original material for Answers, or if you have a powerful testimony to share that would truly bless others, please e-mail us. We would earnestly appreciate your contribution.
One of the reasons for our delay this month, was so that we could interview Mieko Pascali in order to bring her remarkable testimony to our readers. We held this issue back in order to include her important and awe-inspiring story. We hope this will be as much of a blessing for all of you as it has been for us. We were so moved by the experiences of this most special woman of faith, that we felt compelled to share her story. We are looking forward to bringing you other remarkable testimonies and eye-opening news articles in future issues of Answers.
We expect that our story about Hawaii will bring many questions and comments, as there is so much more to tell than we could reasonably fit into this newsletter and the associated time constraints. It was written with only the sincerest concern for our dear Hawaiian brothers and sisters. Living in Hana, Susan and I have seen so much pain and suffering in a group of people
Hawaiian Family on Beach
with such an innate love for God’s way of living. Yet, the circumstances of an apostate society have overtaken them in these last days. Drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, and myriad diseases now permeate the landscape where there used to be nothing but the aloha spirit and a real zest for living a healthy life. But, the good news is that we are doing everything we can to help, whenever we are welcomed, in restoring what was lost through uninvited outside intrusion. We ask all of our readers to keep these efforts in prayer, as there is always the hope of a better future when we are doing the Lord’s will.
If you have any questions about our publication policies or the use of any materials contained within this newsletter, or if you would like to contribute to our efforts, please refer to our terms of use below or e-mail us.
Once again, I thank you for subscribing to Answers and look forward to serving your needs as our ministry continues to grow.

With love in Christ,

Arnie Suntag



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