Answers - The News Magazine of Rational Christian Ministries
In This Issue
What is Happening to Our Schools?
March 1, 2006
Vol. 1 Issue 2
Copyright © 2006
Rational Christian Ministries, Inc.
Silent Plagues that May Kill Millions
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Do Natural Remedies Really Work?
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The Law and the Believer
Feature Story
What is Happening to Our Schools?
Charcoal - As Simple as Water!
Columbine Rescue
Carrot-Cashew Pâ
The Grace of God - Rescued from the Blizzard
Letter from the Editor
Columbine - Only the Beginning
Feature Story
What is Happening to Our Schools?
by Arnie Suntag
Columbine Cemetery Scene
Just a few short decades ago, life in America ran at a slower pace, our dollar purchased substantially more, and the innocence of our youth was still intact. About the worst thing that ever happened in our schools was a reprimand from the teacher for speaking out of turn, or detention for chewing gum in class. The daily routine for most students was so divergent from life in our schools today, that one can only wonder what horrific societal trauma brought about the scourge that has turned our schools into battlegrounds.
In order for our educational system to help our youth reach their ultimate potential, the learning environment must be safe for students, teachers, and staff alike. Unfortunately, the facts speak for themselves. The statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), paint an alarming picture of the blight that has descended upon the educational landscape. During the year 2000, the NCES reported that there were 1.9 million crimes of violence or theft in our schools. Viewed another way, more than 20 percent of our schools experienced serious crimes such as homicide, rape, aggravated assault, or robbery. During the five-year period from 1998-2002, teachers were the victims of more than 90,000 of these violent crimes. Each year, between 7 and 9 percent of all students report being threatened or injured with weapons on school grounds. In 2003, 5 percent of students in grades 9-12 reported consuming alcohol on school grounds within 30 days preceding the survey and 22 percent reported using marijuana. The most startling findings of the past decade are contained in a government survey reported by CNN way back on April 12, 1998. The survey found that15 percent of all students say they are victims of crimes, those reporting gangs at school doubled from previous years to 28 percent, 65 percent say they can buy drugs at school, and 13 percent claim to know students who regularly bring guns to class with their books. It is now estimated that nearly 270,000 guns are carried to class each day. While the use of surveillance equipment and metal detectors has curtailed the concealment of weapons, acts of violence in our schools have not significantly diminished. Contrast these findings to the completely innocuous infractions of the 50’s and 60’s, and suddenly the distance we have wandered from morality and decency becomes painfully apparent.
Columbine Sidewalk Scene
Many in today’s world tend to scoff at the notion that the unraveling of our educational system is the result of abandoning biblical principles. But, the truth could not be more profound. Although the problem starts in the home, the educational setting only further reinforces negative behaviors. The problem is that setting boundaries has become passé. Because of intense scrutiny and legal pressures, teachers and administrators are impotent to act in cases where behavioral barriers have broken down. Furthermore, in a
permissive society where virtually anything goes, parents have thrown up their arms in disgust, allowing their children to aimlessly follow the crowd. This vicious circle has impaired the ability of our educational system to be effective, while at the same time creating a veritable monster that has led to the carnage seen in many of our schools today.
The Bible tells us that, in the Last Days, many will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:4). This is the phenomenon that has opened the door to the wave of drug use and violence that has besieged our schools. Virtually unrelenting exposure to video games and the illicit use of Internet resources has tainted even the most well-meaning youth, thanks to the laissez faire attitude of their parents. Industry sales figures tell the story vividly. Since 1995, there has been more than a 100 percent increase in the sale of video games. Annual revenues exceeded $9.9 billion in 2004, with more than 225 million games sold – about two for every household in America. The irony of these unsettling statistics is that the school shootings attracting media attention have emerged only over the past decade and, in the most notable episodes, including the infamous Columbine High School massacre, the use of video games with violent and sexually explicit content were implicated by numerous studies.
By far, the greatest threat to our schools today is the availability of guns and other dangerous weapons. Most of us have almost conveniently forgotten that there was a time when such dangers were unimaginable. The most frightening part is that this paradigm shift has occurred over the past decade alone; a fact that should encourage us to seriously reflect upon the events happening in our world and what they mean in terms of Bible prophecy. On the subject of guns in our schools, the extraordinary changes of the past decade should convince anyone that our world has radically changed.…read more
Health News
Silent Plagues that May Kill Millions
by Staff Writers
Disease Researchers
With Avian Influenza (bird flu) receiving a lot of notoriety these days, one can only wonder what lies around the corner. In the past, bird flu viruses genetically combined with pig influenza viruses to form new strains that ultimately spread to humans and resulted in pandemics. The same process has begun once again and the new strain of bird flu that has resulted is particularly dangerous to humans, carrying with it a very high mortality rate (more than 50 percent). Although the danger of a bird flu pandemic is very real, most of us forget that the recent media frenzy is only part of a long list
of alerts relating to the rise of new and deadly diseases over the past several years. For example, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) may be out of sight, but definitely not out of mind. The syndrome still has the potential to cause a deadly pandemic that could annihilate millions. Yet, even SARS is a mere harbinger of things to come. Since the mid 70’s, we have seen the rise of more than 30 new and deadly diseases, along with the reemergence of diseases that had been all but eradicated decades before. The question we must ask is, why is this happening?
The Bible refers to pestilences in Matthew 24:7 but, as with most biblical references, many tend to ignore the admonishments. The literal translation of pestilence is plague. Therefore, if we seriously consider what the Bible says, we should expect to see plagues of one form or another. Outbreaks of deadly and peculiar new diseases certainly fulfill this expectation. But, there is something even more profound to consider. The word plague also refers to hordes of insects, particularly locusts. It is interesting to note that while plagues of insects were historically sporadic prior to the mid 1800’s, the frequency and magnitude, particularly of locust swarms, have exponentially increased over the past century. Even more startling is the fact that the most significant increase in the intensity of such plagues has occurred over the past decade alone. This includes a so-called freak event reported by ABC News on July 14, 2002, where the streets and roads in Beijing were literally covered with locusts. Similarly, on August 3, 2001, CBS News reported swarms of aphids in downtown Toronto, leaving pedestrians swatting their way through huge green clouds. On May 6, 2002, Reuters filed a report that a plague of locusts of “almost biblical proportions” threatened up to 70 percent of crops and millions of livelihoods in Afghanistan. Surprisingly, the list goes on. There is no question about the fact that we are witnessing events in our world that strongly suggest an appreciation for Bible prophecy.
The greatest and most readily apparent present-day concern, however, is still the rapid emergence of new and deadly infectious diseases. The striking features of these diseases especially lead one to wonder about their origin and significance. It seems that each year another new threat arrives, each with a more startling set of symptoms and terrifying mortality rate. But the real story on this peculiar rise of new infectious diseases takes on a whole different perspective when examined from an historical standpoint.…read more
Health Question of the Month
Do Natural Remedies Really Work?
by Staff Writers
Asparagus in Bowl
One of the reasons that many chose conventional pharmaceutical drugs over natural remedies, despite the often horrific side effects, is that their impact seems immediate and definitive.  On the other hand, natural remedies appear to be very slow and gradual, if they are effective at all.  In any event, they do not provide the instant gratification that many have come to expect in a society weaned on pills, injections, and surgeries.  But, is this really true?  Are natural remedies really of dubious effectiveness, or have we all been hoodwinked into believing a lie?
In response to this dilemma, we offer a true acid test.  Can something as simple as a vegetable pack as much of a punch as a powerful prescription drug?  Let’s find out. 
Diuretics, sometimes called “water pills,” are often used to treat congestive heart failure (CHF), high blood pressure (hypertension), and a variety of kidney diseases and conditions.  There are essentially three groups of diuretics typically prescribed by doctors.  Thiazide diuretics, which include prescription drugs such as Aquatensen (methyclothiazide), Diucardin (hydroflumethiazide), and Enduron (methyclothiazide), are used to treat high blood pressure by reducing the amount of sodium and water in the body.  Potassium-sparing diuretics, which include prescription drugs such as Aldactone (spironolactone) and Dyrenium (triamterene), are used to reduce the amount of water in the body in cases where water retention has resulted in physiological problems.  Loop-acting diuretics, which include Bumex (bumetanide) and Lasix (furosemide), are used to increase the flow of urine from the kidneys.  
If you take the time to look at the side effects associated with any of the previously mentioned drugs, you will discover a variety of truly serious reactions from muscle weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and hair loss, to sore throat with fever, bleeding, irregular heart rhythm, and difficulty breathing.  The question then becomes, why would anyone suffering with a condition for which these medications are typically prescribed want to subject themselves to such great discomfort and risk?  Are there alternatives?  You may be surprised.
Many view asparagus as nothing but a luxurious side dish in an upscale restaurant, but few recognize its potential as a natural remedy.  Asparagus contains a significant amount of folate (folic acid), along with vitamin C and beta-carotene.  It also contains glutathione, a phytochemical with antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties.  But here is the real scoop on asparagus – it is an extremely potent diuretic.  Don’t believe me?  Try it yourself.  A small amount of freshly juiced asparagus will cause such an overwhelming diuretic response, that you will find yourself stationed in the bathroom until you have completely cleared out the excess fluids stored in your body.  Indeed, the only warning is to use only a tablespoon or two of asparagus juice at a time so as not to overdo it.  As far as side effects are concerned, there is only one.  With some individuals, the sulfur-containing degradation products (e.g., thiols and thioesters) from metabolizing the constituents of asparagus, can cause the urine to have a distinctive, mildly unpleasant odor.  Contrast this to the side effects associated with the previously described prescription medications, and it can only leave one shaking their head in disbelief.  Nonetheless,  asparagus does indeed perform as well and as quickly as the prescription medications – without any of the harmful side effects. 
The fact is, there are many natural remedies that work very fast and effectively, if only one would bother to find out about them.  Unfortunately, most of us do not take the time to investigate this important fact of life because it is too easy to pop a pill provided by the friendly neighborhood pharmacist.  The downside is that the consequences are very real, pronounced, and sometimes deadly.
Biblical Living Feature
The Law and the Believer
by John Wilson
  Bible with Cross

Many “good” people follow carefully the good principles of the Law according to the letter.  This is good.  It is very admirable.  It gets approval of other “good” people.  It makes peace and provides fairness.  But the victories in our lives over desires, attitudes, inner thoughts, and feelings, are limited to the strength of our will and outward conformity.  Only when a “good” person recognizes a personal inner need for some changes that they cannot make for themselves, will they call upon God and plead for these changes that God can make.  See Hebrews 8:10-11 and Matthew 23:1-13. Romans 3:20 tells us that by the Law is the knowledge of sin.  Romans 3:23

tells us that ALL have sinned.

The Old Covenant is clearly spelled out in Deuteronomy 5:22-33.  Moses here reminds the people of the scene at Mount Sinai when the Law was given.  The people chose to have Moses between them and God and promised to obey all that the Lord had said.  History reveals that they continually rebelled instead.  In verse 29 of Deuteronomy 5, God says sorrowfully, “O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear Me and keep all My commandments always…”  Note that earthly organizations operate on the Old Covenant system.  This is necessary, since they cannot read nor change the hearts of the people.

God’s Law is the foundation of His government, the essence of His character of love, and standard under which all love, joy, peace and success are protected for all people and all created beings, for all time.  This Law is perfect and cannot be improved, nor can it be ignored without serious natural consequences.  Our very nature and being and all of nature, are set with harmonious laws corresponding with all of the perfect laws of the universe.  Any violation of these perfect life-protecting laws brings a corresponding consequence.  As these laws are learned, lived, and loved, they bring the greatest freedom, joy and peace possible.  Many people know and benefit in many ways.  But to be truly free and happy in every way, we will accept the New Covenant, which brings our very hearts into harmony with God’s great heart of love.  Here is true and lasting happiness.  See Hebrews 12.


The New Covenant Path to Learning!

Learn It – Learn the Truth in Theory
But don’t rest satisfied with only a theory!

Live It – Practice the Truth by Letter
Try Hard, Feel Need, Cry out for help! Romans 7:24

Love It – Adopt New Covenant Plan. Receive the change of heart.
Crowd out the bad with the good! Romans 8

Share It – Be an Illustration of Love, Joy, and Peace while you work to Help and Bless others.


See Scripture Texts: Matthew 23:2-12 & 23-28, Deuteronomy 5:1-5 & 15 & 22-33

Safe and Effective Home Remedies
Charcoal - As Simple as Water!
by Susan Suntag
Charcoal Grill
It’s not exactly the kind of charcoal you might find in a barbeque, but it is an essential that none of us should overlook.  Every home should have charcoal on hand for use in medical emergencies and everyday challenges.  It may be used internally or externally for a range of medical problems from bee stings and other venomous bites to serious conditions and illnesses.  Charcoal is as an effective antidote for poisoning and as a cleansing agent in skin infections and various medical conditions, such as jaundice of the newborn or an allergic reaction to poison ivy.  Orally administered charcoal is also effective in preventing many intestinal infections and other disorders. 

Charcoal is the best agent known to man for cleansing and assisting the healing of the body.  The grains of charcoal have many crevices and corners for the adsorption of materials, gases, foreign proteins, body wastes, chemicals and drugs of various kinds making it a powerful assistant to the cleansing apparatus of the body. 

The total surface area of the sum of the particles in a small cube of charcoal only 2/5th of an inch on each side is one thousand square meters - a field more that thirty-three yards square!  The uses of charcoal are almost as universal as those of water both commercially and medically—and like water it can be freely used as a healing agent (Home Remedies Hydrotherapy, Massage, Charcoal, and Other Simple Treatments, Agatha Thrash,M.D.  & Calvin Thrash, M.D.).

  Charcoal Tablets

Charcoal powder, tablets, and capsules may be purchased at drug stores, health food stores, over the Internet, or through mail order companies.  The oral dosage is 1 tablespoon of powder stirred into a glass of purified or distilled water, 4 capsules of activated charcoal, or 8 tablets taken in the mid-morning and repeated in the mid-afternoon.  Food interferes with the effectiveness of charcoal.  Charcoal may be taken regularly for a period of up to twelve weeks with no problem.  Use for a longer period of time is not recommended.

Specific uses for charcoal are: Tylenol (acetaminophen) poisoning, aspirin poisoning, bad breath, cancer, colostomy and ileostomy odor, eye and ear


conditions, intestinal gas, diarrhea, indigestion, infections, inflammation, insecticide ingestion, insect, spider, and snake bites, newborn jaundice, kerosene, gasoline or lighter fluid ingestion, liver failure, metabolic problems, mushroom poisoning, pain, theophyllin overdose, and women’s diseases.  


Substances Adsorbed by Charcoal are:  

Amitriptyline Hydrochloride
Barbital Barbiturates
2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
Digitalis or Foxglove

Golden Chain
Lead Acetate
Mefenamic Acid
Mercuric chloride
Methylene Blue
Methyl Salicylate
Multivitamins with Minerals

Potassium Permanganate
Radioactive Substances
Sodium Salicylate
Tree Tobacco
Some Silver & Antimony Salts
Many Herbicides and
4000+ chemicals, drugs, toxins, & wastes

 (Cooney, David O. Activated Charcoal. New York:  Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1980 p.4)

This Month's Scrumptious Healthy Recipe
Carrot-Cashew Pâté
Delivered on a Platter from the Suntag Kitchen
Serving Tray
I used to think that a pâté was something you could only find in a fine French restaurant.  But now I simply say it is a matter of savoir-faire.  You can create a wonderful pâté right in your own kitchen - in very little time and with great ease.  If carrot-cashew sounds a bit exotic, do not let the name throw you.  With a few very basic ingredients, you can create a delicious and healthy dish that the whole family will enjoy.  Before you get started, be
sure to review the list of ingredients to be sure you have everything readily available.  Okay.  Here is the recipe.


Place one medium size carrot in the food processor and blend.

Add 2 medium size cloves of garlic and blend again.

Add 1¾ cups of cashews (preferably organic) and blend.

Add 3 tablespoons of soy sauce (preferably 100% organic and unpasteurized).

Add ¼ - ½ teaspoons of organic mustard (horseradish mustard is best).

Add a dash of Celtic Sea Salt.

Begin blending again by first adding just under ¼ cup of grape seed oil.

Continue to add oil while blending until the pâté is rich and creamy, but not watery.

And, voilà!  There you have it.  Carrot-cashew pâté à la carte, so to speak.  You can spoon the pâté out of the food processor and place it in a covered dish.  Spread the pâté on crackers or put it in a wrap with lettuce, avocado, onions, and a little horseradish mustard for extra flavor, and you have a great meal.  Whatever you do with the pâté you cannot go wrong.  You may be surprised to find out that it is even popular with the kids.  So, be sure to make plenty of it and bon appétit!
Amazing Testimonies
The Grace of God
Rescued from the Blizzard
Sun Shining Through Snow Covered Trees
I woke up in the morning feeling tired and drained, and for some reason did not feel motivated to get to the church service I normally attend.   I prayed about it and asked for guidance.   I was given the apparent sense that it would be wrong to go.  I could not understand it.  Why would the Lord not want me to participate in those things that are to glorify and honor Him?  I walked over and looked out the window and noticed that it was snowing lightly, and there was a fairly good accumulation on the ground.  Although the weather forecast had only predicted light snow, it seemed a bit more
substantial than that.  I thought about the 30-mile drive I would have to take on the highway into town. I stood by the window and debated whether or not I should go.  “They are always good about clearing off the highway,” I thought.  “Besides, it is supposed to be sunny later on, so it should be letting up soon.”  I began to sense that I was negotiating with the words I had clearly heard when I prayed.  But I convinced myself that I must have heard wrong.  We had no precipitation in weeks, the weather forecast said that it was going to be sunny later on, and I could not shirk my obligation to attend this church service.  Perhaps I was just being lazy or looking for an excuse not to go.  Reluctantly, I took my bible, said a prayer for safe passage and started into town.

As I drove up the now snow-covered dirt road leading to the main highway, I could see that the plows had not been through to clear the highway yet.  “It doesn’t look that bad,” I reasoned.  I had seen it much worse in the past, and it was still possible to drive without difficulty.  Besides, I noticed a couple of cars moving very slowly along the narrow two-lane highway.  “They must know what they’re doing,” I thought.  What I had not noticed is that there were no cars coming back from town.  I pulled out onto the highway with an unshakeable feeling that this was not the right thing to do.  Instead of acknowledging the feeling, I convinced myself that I must be resisting my obligation to God, even though I could not understand why - since I normally take great delight in doing things to honor Him.

The snow began to get heavier.  The visibility was very poor and the roadway was beginning to disappear under the snow.  “The snow will be gone by the time I start back home,” I smugly reasoned.  “Besides, the Lord will look after me,” I said out loud to comfort myself.  At that instant, a truck pulled out from a side road and nearly hit me.  It slid on the slippery road surface and probably came within just a couple of inches of my right side.  I pulled off the road for a moment and let the truck go by.   I was startled, but recovered quickly.   “Maybe that’s a sign that I should turn back,” I thought, but then shrugged it off.  I continued on my way. “I’ve already come this far -- I might just as well continue into town,” I argued.

  Snowy Forest Road
As I drove up and down the slopes of the narrow winding highway through the forest, I began to notice that I was sliding at times.  Then the cars in front of me began to slow down almost to a halt.  Looking over to my right, I saw a car face down in a deep ravine.  It had evidently lost control on the
slippery surface and slid off the highway.  A few hundred feet further I saw another one!   That’s when I noticed that there were no cars coming back from town.  “Dear Lord,” I said out loud, “have I disobeyed you?”  At that moment, the cars in front of me came to a complete stop.  There was suddenly a long line of brake lights.  As I looked toward the bottom of the slope in front of me, I saw a sea of red lights.  It was a horrific accident.  It had just happened.  People were wandering about on the highway dazed, and cars lay idle, pointed in every direction.   It was awful.

As I sat there stunned and wondering what to do, someone who looked like a Sheriff’s deputy came running up the highway in the vacant oncoming lane waving and yelling “Go back!”  But there was nowhere to go.  Cars were bumper-to-bumper, we were on a steep incline with sharp slopes on either side, and it was difficult to drive even a couple of feet now without sliding.  I closed my eyes and prayed.  “Dear Father, please forgive me for disobeying you.  I humbly ask you to help me get safely home, in Jesus’ name.”  As I turned around to see if I could somehow maneuver to go back home, I was surprised to find that the car behind me had left a gap between us of perhaps one hundred feet or more.  Yet, behind that car, it was bumper-to-bumper for as far as the eye could see.  I immediately began to back up, attempting to make a very difficult K-turn.  With each maneuver my car would slide to one side.  At one point, I almost slid down the ravine behind me.  Finally, I managed to orient myself so that I was facing back toward home.  I began to drive slowly up the highway. 

  Highway Blizzard
The traffic in the direction I was originally headed was now backed up for miles.  Yet the road ahead of me was empty.   I drove very slowly, but the snow was now falling with a blinding intensity.  As I got further up the highway toward home, I became the only vehicle on the road.  The road itself was no longer visible.  All I could see was a blanket of snow extending

off into the forest on either side of me.  I said another prayer. “Dear Lord, please forgive this foolish child of yours and help guide my path so I can get safely home.”  Tears streamed down my face.  I held tightly to the steering wheel as I began to slide from side to side while climbing icy, snow-packed hills.  I could not even imagine how the weather conditions had gotten so bad that quickly.  It was like a nightmare.

Finally I arrived home!  As I saw my house through the blinding snow, I praised God and gave prayers of thanks for getting me back safely.  After making a phone call to the Sheriff’s office, I learned that the highway had been completely shut down for many miles due to a large number of serious accidents.  I also realized that had I not taken those few moments to pray before I left the house or the time to pull off the road after that near-collision, I would have been in the midst of that horrible accident.   

As I looked out the window, I noticed to my amazement that the snow had suddenly stopped and the sky was clearing.  All I could do was shake my head and wonder how such seemingly innocent snow flurries could have turned into a major winter storm.  But I had no doubt that the awesome and mighty living God, with his infinite mercy and lovingkindness, had delivered me from my own strong will and lack of faith.

  Fenced Road in Snow

It is a humbling experience to see that even when we are walking in God’s Word, we can still have doubts or make decisions based on our own will instead of His.  We may have only the best of intentions, but our plans can go awry if we do not let Him guide us. “A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9).  We should never try not to figure out why He has asked us to take these steps.  Can we possibly know more than Him about what is best for us or why things must happen as they do? “A man's steps are of the Lord; how then can a man understand his own way?” (Proverbs 20:24).   


If we are in doubt as to whether something is wise or not, all we need do is ask Him.  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5).  But we also have to be ready to listen.  Galatians 5:16 says that if we obey the Holy Spirit’s instructions, He will tell us where to go and what to do. We need to remember how powerful and immutable the Word of God is.  “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

Yet, even out of our desire to do what is right, we will often try to analyze, negotiate, or even second-guess the very thing that God tells us through the Holy Spirit.  This is particularly true when we honestly believe that we are expending energy or making a sacrifice of some kind for His glory or honor.  We should not delude ourselves into thinking that by doing our part in the church or by our efforts alone, we will be pleasing God; lest we forget that He is not as interested in our sacrifices as He is in our love, obedience, and closeness to Him – “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6).  The Living Bible says it this way, “I don't want your sacrifices--I want your love; I don't want your offerings--I want you to know me.” 

So, if there is a lesson to be learned in all of this, it is to trust in God completely, even when we have doubts or are confused about the answers to our prayers. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  If we truly want to do the right thing and yet don’t know for certain what is best, perhaps we can ask Him in this way, “I am Your servant; Give me understanding, That I may know Your testimonies” (Psalms 119:125); or as the Living Bible says, “...for I am your servant; therefore give me common sense to apply your rules to everything I do.”  The most important thing to remember, however, is that God is merciful enough to forgive us and protect us, even when we do make a mistake.

We are looking for other testimonies to be included in future editions of Answers. If you would like to share your own personal testimony, please e-mail us. Those whose testimonies are selected for publication will receive a free copy of The Rational Christian.
Closing Thoughts
Letter from the Editor
  Arnie Suntag
I want to thank you for subscribing to Answers, the newsletter of Rational Christian Ministries. Each month, we strive to bring you news and information that will help you and your family to weather the many challenges we face in a world often filled with disappointment, tragedy, and discouragement. I truly hope this issue of Answers has been informative and helpful, providing some insight for you and your loved ones.

It is our solemn and heartfelt purpose to be a beacon of light for all of those seeking biblical truth during these most troubled times in our world. After all, it is through an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Gospel, that we can overcome the challenges the enemy places in our path. We truly hope that you will share this newsletter with all of your friends and encourage them to sign up for Answers.

Answers is published on the first day of each month. If you missed a previous issue and would like to read it, you may view it online in our archives. We encourage comments and questions and are particularly interested in personal testimonies attesting to what Jesus Christ has done in your life. Please e-mail us if you have comments or would like to share a testimony..

It is incumbent upon me to mention certain terms of use in each of our Answers newsletters. With regard to content in our newsletter, we offer information based upon biblical principles and commonly accepted standards. Although we stand firmly by our views on health and wellness, it is our legal obligation to tell you that you should consult recognized medical authorities prior to making any major lifestyle changes. Furthermore, whatever you embark upon in your effort to live a fuller, healthier life, you should do so through prayer and deliberation. The Lord will always show you what path to take if you earnestly trust in Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

While the articles, book excerpts, graphics, or other copyrighted materials used in this newsletter should not be reproduced, reused, or sold to third parties without permission, we do encourage you to share this newsletter with your family and friends, particularly if you feel it could be of help to them. It is our prayerful hope that the information contained in our newsletters will help others to find a healthier life and a more satisfying and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Anyone can sign up for free by visiting the newsletter page on our website.

Once again, I thank you for signing up for Answers and look forward to providing you with more exciting and new information in future issues.

With love in Christ,
Arnie Suntag

Copyright © 2006 Rational Christian Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.