Summary of May 2006 Issue
Polar Ice
Global Warming: Time is Running Out
Amid the bizarre weather patterns that have become pronounced worldwide, many are pointing fingers at global warming as the culprit. There is no doubt that the polar ice caps are melting and the earth's temperature is rising at an alarming rate. But, how much of it is our fault and what consequences lie ahead for us and our children? Find out in this issue of Answers.
Restaurant Scene
Are Restaurants Safe Anymore?
Before you bite into that juicy t-bone on the fine china with the fancy fruit garnish, you might want to consider the surprising increase in food poisoning cases throughout the country; not to mention the latest warnings about genetically modified foods and the spector of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease). The fact is, food-borne illnesses are on the rise because of new and reemerging diseases - over 250 of them. Is your favorite restaurant safe? Read this issue of Answers and find out.
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