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Summary of June 2006 Issue
Hawaiian Child Crying
Hawaii - Paradise or Purgatory?
White sandy beaches, the smell of plumeria in the air, and exotic hula dancers. This virtual paradise of lush rainforests and gorgeous seascapes is how tourists see Hawaii. But, the tragic story of a culture ravaged by outside intrusion is rarely revealed to the millions who come to escape life's stresses and improve their tans. Discover the real truth about Hawaii and the pain that is shattering the lives of its people, in this issue of Answers.
Benny Hinn
Is Faith Healing Real?
You've seen it on Christian television and perhaps in your own church. An enthusiastic believer is slapped on the forehead, falls backward in a trance, and is cured of a chronic or serious disease. In the early 20th century, faith healing of this kind was shunned by most churches. Today it is the norm. Is this resurgence of miraculous healings a gift of the Spirit, as many professed Christians claim, or is it one of the end times deceptions that the Bible warns about? Read this issue of Answers and find out.
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