Every effort to reach others with the Gospel and glorify God had to start somewhere. In the case of Walk of Faith, previously known as Rational Christian Ministries, it grew out of an unusual series of events. Arnie Suntag, the ministry's founder and president, was an executive for a global software company who, while pursuing wealth and success, had all but forgotten God's presence in his life. Referring to himself as a "cardboard Christian" when recalling his struggle to find a heartfelt relationship with Jesus Christ, he attended church and ministered to others, but did not honestly know the Lord. It was not until his complacent existence was shattered by a series of tragic events including a diagnosis of cancer, a narrow brush with the September 11 tragedy, and an exposure to SARS while in China, that he genuinely discovered the unconditional love and mercy of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Watch Video
Following his trials, Arnie was impressed to write a book about the end times and the history of our faith as Christians. It was this book that planted the seeds for a ministry to reach others with the love of Jesus Christ and with Biblical truth. Although considered by some to be controversial because of its exposé of the many practices that have been grafted into our churches, The Rational Christian is a landmark theological effort packed with historical facts and careful reviews of Bible prophecy. The book's underlying message is that knowing the Lord is not predicated upon the rituals and ceremonies that so many have come to know and follow religiously, but rather on what is in the heart: "You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). While our churches today have become vast corporate infrastructures with elaborate hierarchies and lavish entertainment, the simple message that the early disciples knew so well is still available to those whose hearts are open. It is one of love, forgiveness, and understanding - without the showmanship. Just as Elijah discovered when he ran from Jezebel and hid in the cave (1 Kings 19), the Lord was not in the great wind that tore into the mountains and broke the rocks into pieces. He was not in the earthquake. Nor was He in the fire. He was simply a still small voice. It is this same voice that many no longer hear today in the confusion that has engulfed our churches. It is also the same voice that led Arnie to continue writing The Rational Christian, even though he faced the real prospect of losing his life by postponing a surgery the doctors urged him to undergo. To the amazement of all, he survived and recovered without the surgery! It was the inspiration from this miraculous event that gave birth to Rational Christian Ministries, now known as Walk of Faith.
Today, Arnie and his wife, Susan (photo above), along with a Board of Directors consisting of devoted Christians, jointly and prayerfully direct Walk of Faith Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to offering seminars on the end times, promoting community Bible studies, and providing health education through community workshops and the Walk of Faith Health Recovery Project. We hope that you will join us in reaching the many who yearn for a true heartfelt relationship with Jesus Christ.